Drames de Princesses
Text * Elfriede Jelinek
Translation * Magali Jourdan et Mathilde Sobottke
Director * Maya Boesch
Dramaturgy * Michel Pralong
Cast * Véronique Alain, * Dorothea Schürch, * Susan Vogel, * Christine Vouilloz, * Lucie Zelger
Design * Sylvie Kleiber
Lighting * Jean-Michel Broillet
Costumes * Julia Studer
Make-up * Mia Vranes
Coach voice and keyboard * Dorothea Schürch
Coach kung fu * Dominique Falquet
Production * Comédie de Genève – Centre dramatique of Geneva, * Cie Sturmfrei,
* TPR – Théâtre Populaire Romand, La Chaux-de-Fonds * Le Grü – Théâtre du Grütli Geneva
Photo Credits * Christian Lutz
December 2010–February 2011
More Details
– Théatre de la Comédie, Genève– Compagnie sturmfrei – website